22 Great Recycling Decor Ideas from around the world
This is a Blog about a few Recycling Decor Ideas I got while traveling. Some are from abroad and others from the streets of Montreal.
In the blog below, are 22 related photos for to help inspire you with recycling ideas.
Incorporating Nature
Now more than ever, the world needs our help. We need to create awareness. Big cities, such as Montreal for example, need to readjust and reintegrate with the nature. Our mission now is to help the environment recover and minimize the damage that’s been caused over the past decades.
The great news here is that everyone can participate. If you can read this blog, you can help with easy and simple gestures! Hopefully I can transfer some of my inspiration to you, so that you may start at home.
Old and unique vs New and generic
For starters, we can give a second or even third chance, to materials we already have at home. Also, we can start with Rummage sales instead of purchasing new items in furniture stores. I think it’s a great place to start 1) for the environment 2) for recycling and 3) for unique decoration pieces in your home.
Hopefully these Recycling Decor Ideas can make you rethink the way you decorate your home.
Easier than you think
For starters, you don’t need a lot of time investment nor a big budget. To assemble a new object, you only need few materials and your creativity. First you need the idea, which hopefully the images below will provide. Then you need to assemble the necessary materials. Lastly, you’ll need execution, which is probably the most difficult part. However, I assure you that it will make you feel rejuvenated and reconnected. Not only will you be helping with the environment, you will feel productive with your time and proud to demonstrate it to your loved ones !
Just imagine a beautiful piece of furniture or an object at home, completely transformed with other objects that exist currently in your home.
Travelling stimulates creativity
I love to travel, and wherever I go I try to capture Recycling Decor Ideas. That’s what adds the extra spice to my trip. As I stroll the streets, I simply gaze around at the new scenery and wonder how I could reuse materials I currently own. And I’m persuaded that we can all do it, to give our homes, our commercial spaces or even our neighbourhoods a fresh start !
Make them Beautiful again
In this post, I showcased photos of places that I visited. Based on the various places I found myself, these are the images that sparked my ideas. One of which is to share with you via this blog.
I do apologize, since some of these photos are dated. Technology has really advanced in the last decade. However old the image, I hope you get the gist of the idea I’m trying to spark in you.
These “Recycling Decor Ideas” caught my attention and I hope can help you put your creativity into practice. This way you can change you living spaces and share it with the people you love. In turn, being more beautiful and helping the environment!
22 Great Recycling Decor Ideas from around the world
There are many materials that we can recycle to be part of our home environment.
Below I am listing 22 pictures to use Recycling Decor Ideas by product.
All of them I took during my trips to make amazing objects out of them:
Recycling Decor Ideas with Used tires

The second picture is from “O Velhão” – São Paulo – BR , a demolition workshop.
2. Recycling Decor Ideas with Pet bottles

The second picture is from Campos do Jordão – São Paulo – BR , in front of a restaurant.
3. Recycling Decor Ideas with Glass bottles

The second picture is from Hannah’s Bottle Village – PEI – CA ,
a village made with glass bottles.
4. Recycling Decor Ideas with used magazines

The second picture is from the WC from Tête d’Allumette – Beer place located – St André – QC
really original!
5. Recycling Decor Ideas with used furniture

The second picture is from our visit to the butterflies expo at Botanic Garden – Montreal – CA
6. Recycling Decor Ideas with old Tiles

This is an inspiring place for those love to work with recycling materials!
7. Recycling Decor Ideas with old construction pieces

The second picture is from “O Velhão” – São Paulo – BR , a demolition workshop.
8. Recycling Decor Ideas with used garments and shoes

The second picture is from Talasnal – a charming village located in the mountains of Portugal.
9. Recycling Decor Ideas with used cars & boats

The second picture is from Denis Charbonneau Ciders – Mont-Saint-Grégoire, Qc.
10. Recycling Decor Ideas with construction tools

The second picture is from Ski Mountain – São Roque – BR , an artificial ski park located in São Paulo where there are more flowers & nature and a “fake” snow for those want to ski in a tropical country!
11. Recycling Decor Ideas with wood planks

The second picture is from Café Mucho Mucho – Rosemont – Montreal – QC.
Suggested Instagram to be inspired!
This is a suggestion of a person I follow on Instagram that always inspire people around the world to use Tires as a recycling product.

Related Posts
Following two related Posts of Recycling Decor Ideas that you can take a look to be inspired for your next project!
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