Small Home Office Decor Idea
This is a small home office idea, a working space I defined for myself, not for decoration only, but to keep it organized.
Nowadays it is very common to work from home from different reasons, such as:
- You are an online entrepreneur;
- The company you work for doesn’t have or has a reduced physical office;
- There is an agreement with your company that allows you to work from home a couple of times per week to escape public transportation or traffic;
- Or just because, you as everybody else, are facing the quarantine, or even post-quarantine of the COVID-19.
However, it’s not always possible to have your own working space in your home, designed specifically for a home office. Actually to design it can be a challange.
Here, I am sharing my own experience.
Current, I work 100% from home. But I live in a small apartment with my husband of exactly 49.6m² or 533.89 ft².
For this reason, without having a separate room to create a Small Home Office, what should be ideal, I thought how to adapt and create a small working space to work, as demonstrated in the article below.
This said, I hope you like my idea or at least get inspired to create your own workspace, even if you don’t have a space designated for it.
How to define which area to use as working space

When we start a decor project, although small and simple, it’s always a good idea to make a short checklist containing the main items that we consider indispensable for our new space.
During the process of deciding how to create my own working space, I came to the conclusion with the following checklist, including the main points I needed, such as:
- Natural light, what I had by the window;
- No distractions from other rooms, like looking at the kitchen refrigerator, for example;
- Inspiration with nature and colors, from outside trees, sky, etc;
- A place to store small office supplies;
- Space to work with my computer and a notebook for notes.
Therefore, taking into account the points above, I created my own small working space.
The idea is to have a balance between work and small breaks, with few minutes of massage and meditation, and still be able to use during working hours, however, readapt for when I receive visitors or I am not working.
Small Home Office Step1 – Patio Door Makeover

As a first step, I did a small makeover decor on the patio door in order to have a little more privacy.
Also, I added a few items as a fringe doorway curtain, my favorite painting I had for 10 years and, a small carpet with some colors to be inspired and accommodate my plant that doesn’t like to be near the window during the winter.
You can see more details in the YouTube video link, at the bottom of this page.
Small Home Office Step2 – Storage boxes for organization

I believe storage boxes are always a great solution for any small space, making it easy to organize everything.
Nowadays, you can get tons of ideas by using beautiful storage boxes.
So I used this corner to put some of those to organize some books and office supplies I usually use it.
You can see more details and storage boxes idea in the YouTube video link, at the bottom of this page.
Small Home Office Step3 – Final Touches

Finally, I added some other plants, some objects to decorate the environment, a storage ottoman from Structube, and some cushions.
However, the main thing was a small accent table from Structube, which will be used to work or to stay as a side table when I am not working.
As already mentioned, you can see more details in the YouTube video link, at the bottom of this page.
The colors that inspired me to create my Small Home Office
One of the biggest dilemmas during a renovation is which colors we will choose.
Many people choose the colors according to the current Fashion, but it doesn’t take long to realize they are no longer happy with the result.
Hence my suggestion, according my personal point of view:
- Use the colors of “Nature” to define which colors makes you happy when you get inside your place.
As an example, take a selection of photos you took during a trip, or even in parks and gardens near your home and choose the one you like best.
Then try to use tools on the Internet that show you “Palettes” of colors like “CANVA” for example, which is free and simple to use.
To use CANVA, just < CLICK HERE > and “Upload” your picture, automatic Canva will give you the Color palette from the picture you choose.
You can also check out my blog about my Small Balcony decor idea to get other colors’ inspiration.
This photo below I took of my plant on the balcony to get inspired for my Home Office decor.

If you are more visual, like me, and want to take a look at the “BEFORE” and “AFTER” of the transformation of my working space, watch the video on YouTube.

If you made it this far, I would like to thank you for reading this article about my Small Home Office!
Leave a comment and share this post with your friends and family that might need some inspiration to start a makeover and get cozy home decor and working space at home!

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Thank you for your nice comment! I really appreciate your feedback and I am really happy you liked it! Feel free to watch the video on Youtube about this article too “https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QzZJwYWeaUc&feature=youtu.be” … and let me know if you have a Blog or Instagram I could follow 🙂 ! Great day!