The art of recycling by EcoDesigner Lucia Franzoso
This Blog is to introduce the Ecodesigner Lucia Franzoso, who I met at Munik coffee shop in São Bernardo do Campo – São Paulo, and who is using the Art of Recycling to transform used coffee paper filters in beautiful pieces of art and decoration.
Table of Contents
ToggleHow to change habit to be more environmental friendly?
Nowadays we hear a lot about responsibilities with the environment, that we must recycle products that we use in our day to day and we are we are often lost in the middle of lots of information and we don’t know how to act, or where to start.
We start to think we should do something big and for this reason, we end up getting lost and not starting anything.
What we forget is that, everything can start within ourselves, with the feeling of changing habits.
The important thing is to take an initiative and think that change is possible, and that if you don’t see yourself participating in a big organization and fighting for the world, you can start to change the world around you, with small acts and then spread it around the world!

Examples of how to start recycling?
We have many small ways, inside our homes, offices or anywhere we are, to bring our own contribution to nature and to the Planet where we live.
If you do a research in Google you will find in the city you live many information about it, as an example, if I search by “How to start Recycling in Montreal” I even found a perfect file in .PDF where I can download and understand which products the city of Montreal is up to recycle or not! Perfect!
You can also change our habits as:
- Replacing plastic bottles to reusable water bottles;
- Bring our own reusable bags when doing groceries, shopping etc;
- Buying products that are packed in “glasses” we could reuse for food storage or decoration;
- Find out NEW and unique products in the market that gives you the ability to change your habits, save money and help the environment as “Magnetic Laundry System” that allows you to wash your Clothes Without using a single Drop of Toxic Chemical Detergent. You can see more about this product < CLICKING HERE>
You will find many other ways to recycling and make it as an habit, just Google it and you will see!
- However, how about learn something that you could do “recycling” as be a “EcoDesigner” for example?
But …
What is EcoDesign?
There are some websites explaining the meaning of Eco Design, so I got a quick explanation from Wikipedia about it where says:
“Ecological design or ecodesign is an approach to designing products with special consideration for the environmental impacts of the product during its whole lifecycle. It was defined by Sim Van der Ryn and Stuart Cowan as “any form of design that minimizes environmentally destructive impacts by integrating itself with living processes
Now, with the simple, but understandable explanation from Wikipedia, I will give you below a real example about being a Eco Designer.

The Art of Recycling by Ecodesigner Lucia Franzoso.
A perfect example of this small change is the gorgeous Art work of the “Ecodesigner” Lucia Franzoso.
Lucia, a resident of the city of São Bernardo do Campo, located in the state of São Paulo – Brazil, learned how to transform an used paper coffee filter in pieces of Art & Decoration that today adorn houses not only in her city, but Worldwide!
I met Lucia and her work by chance, since I usually visit my family in São Bernardo at least once a year and whenever I go to the city, I have to eat a delicious and traditional “Honey Bread” (Pão de Mel in Portuguese) from the Chocolate Munik coffee shop.
The day I visited coffee shop, I noticed that there were beautiful pieces of art, representing Saints of Catholic Church such as, “Nossa Senhora Aparecida” (Our Lady of Aparecida) and Saint Francis of Assisi. Those pieces got my attention because they were made of a different material, so I asked the lady was working there about it.
At this moment, Lucia explained to me about her work, where she recycles the paper strainer and other small materials such as plastic bottle caps in objects of art and decoration.
After we talked about her work as EcoDesigner, she told me that her studio and shop was behind the café and we went straight there, where I was really impressed with her organization, creativity and talent.
Interview with EcoDesigner Lucia Franzoso
After visiting Lucia’s shop and studio, I couldn’t resist and in addition to buying a beautiful Saint Francis of Assisi for myself, I asked her to talk a little about her work and if I could film her studio to show on Liacores Blog and YouTube channel, which she consented with a beautiful smile.
Click here to see the interview with Lucia Franzoso on the YouTube Liacores channel, where she explains how she started to work with Recycling Art and I am also showing a little about her studio, pieces and the coffee shop she works just in front of her studio, where you can visit if you have a chance.
Her interview is in Portuguese language, but there are English subtitles on the video and I also added below her words to you understand how it’s a perfect example how you can start to work with things you love to do, and then the sequence is success!
“As peças de reciclado começaram através de uma amiga que tem coleção de presépios e ai eu tive vontade de fazer um para dar de presente. Nisso surgiram as encomendas além do presépio, de alguns Santos, de alguns animais, e também as carrancas e coisas que a gente vai se inspirando, e atendendo alguns pedidos e isso me realiza bastante.”
“The recycled pieces started with a friend who has a collection of cribs and then I wanted to make one to give her as a gift. As a result of that, orders came in addition to the nativity scene, some Saints, some animals, and also “Carranca” statues and things that we get inspired by, and fulfilling some requests. And that fulfills me a lot.”
Contact Lucia Franzoso
Do you want contact Lucia Franzoso for further information and discover a little more about her amazing Job?
- Click here to Follow her on Instagram.
If you find yourself around São Paulo – Brasil and want to visit her studio, following the address of Munik store located in São Bernardo do Campo – São Paulo.
Address: R. Rio Branco, 483 – Centro, São Bernardo do Campo – SP, 09710-090, Brazil

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